Almost cried at Victoria’s Secrect!

Hey there! Sorry, now that I’m typing it out, this story seems a little weird but I’m honestly so proud of myself and love reading stories like this on this sub. I’ve recently lost 50lbs since my beginning weight and have needed to buy some new clothes since my old ones started to get super roomy. I’ve been refreshing my wardrobe with thrift store finds to keep my bank account happy, however I’ve always been hesitant in thrifting bras. My current bras have been super ill-fitting to the point where I just throw on a sports bra instead. I was more than happy when I saw there was a huge sale event at my mall’s Victoria’s Secret, and went there on the same day I received the email about it! When I walked in I started talking to an employee and asked her if I could be sized. She was super friendly and took me to the back to get measured, and asked me if I was familiar with the process. I told her I was since I had gotten sized by VS last year. As she was getting out her tape measure she asked me what size I was currently wearing. I told her and she looked confused and said the person who measured me must have been new because they gave me a size that was way too big for me. I laughed and said, “haha, not really. That was more than 50 pounds ago.” I haven’t really told anyone in my life about my weightloss (except for a select few coworkers when the topic came up). I haven’t even told my family about the weight I have been losing. So seeing her face go from “oh” to “OHHHH” and then immediately congratulating was such an amazing experience! She started asking me how I did it (CICO) and if I felt any better (hell yes). It was so validating to know that I’ve been kicking butt, even if she didn’t know me at my highest weight and was a total stranger. It was such an amazing experience and I honestly felt a little emotional because the last few weeks have been extremely stressful with the new semester and feeling crummy about myself. It was just great to have someone be so happy for me, and made me realize I should be happy for myself as well instead of wishing my progress was faster! Not only did I finally get new fitting bras on sale, but I also got my week made!

submitted by /u/FriedRiceEnthusiasts
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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