Does anyone else feel guilty for a meal that they haven’t even had yet?

I just spent the last 2 days on a beach eating anything my heart wanted. It felt amazing. I had been feeling really restricted lately and felt like I needed this break. It was an impulsive thing my friends and I just kind of decided to do at 1:30 in the morning. It was the craziest thing I had ever done! No plans, no hotel booked, no real destination. Just started driving early in the morning to get away! And then we ended up at the beach!

I didn’t feel guilty about all the food or drinks I had. But now, going back to my “normal” routine, I’m a hesitant about the future. My partner and I have a really nice date night planned for the end of the month. I had no problem making this reservation and indulging some since I felt like I needed the break and I had earned it...but now I feel guilty about this next excursion since I just spent the last two days eating all the carbs, cheese, fries and candy in sight. Not to mention we have another two day trip coming up next month and a family picnic in August.

I know it’s not healthy to feel this way. I know life happens. I know I can’t spend my entire life restricting myself or feeling guilty anytime I eat more than I “should.” I guess I was just checking to see who else could relate or if anyone had any advice/kind words that has helped them overcome these feelings in the past.

submitted by /u/Tossed_User_Account
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