Hey all, lurker here mostly, I log on the Loseit! Tracker for daily calorie intake as I'm on this journey to lose 40 pounds.

Usually my kryptonite is alcohol, but my consumption is way down since I'm prescribed accutane and mixing that with alcohol is a no-no. WITH THAT BEING SAID... I made some poor choices late in the evening on Saturday after having made great food choices earlier in the day, and before I knew it I had consumed half a bottle of svedka with a can of Sprite.

So today, of course I had this horrible hangover and I didn't have the energy to try to work out, so I felt extra guilty for being my own downfall.

But you know what? I logged those calories, and today I ate light making good food choices. So I had one bad day. It's not going to derail my progress as long as I accept it and forgive myself, and just start again tomorrow.

We all mess up. It's fine. The good thing is I'm pretty sure we all have more good days than bad ones.

submitted by /u/Youcantquitme_baby
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