I've been working with a personal trainer virtually (via an app) for six months. We text almost every day (including this morning) but a few hours ago I got a message from another coach through the app saying that my trainer is "no longer working with clients."

I'm freaking out a little bit because of how sudden this is. I've been considering stepping away from my trainer for a few weeks now (I'm unemployed because of COVID and am wary of the expense) but I thought I would have more time to create a plan for myself and figure out what my support systems and tools could look like.

I have a plan to get me through this week and saved some of the workouts my trainer assigned me. (I alternate between running and bodyweight workouts and had a nutrition plan of about 1100 calories/day.) But I would love love LOVE any recommendations on tools, workouts, exercise gear, accounts to follow, etc. As I try to figure out what this would look like on my own. Any advice for a wayward soul like me?

submitted by /u/ChloeSavesTheDay
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