Hello all,

First a little about me. I'm a 27 year old male who works a desk job. I'm 6 foot 1 and at the start of this I weighted 208 pounds and according to my scale I was just under 29% body fat (im aware this is probably not super accurate)

So when this whole virus thing started in early March I decided to get my act together. From a diet perspective I cut out the snacks (cookies, ships, all that crap) and I made sure to try to stick to whole foods. Fruits, veggies, meats, grains. I used a TDEE calculator and based of that I was eating apporx. 2200 calories per day. For macros all i really focused on was protein i strove for about 150 grams per day. I really didn't track carbs or protein

From a exercise perspective, I walk an hour every night. Run 5k 3 times a week and with the gyms closed Iv been limited to push ups, pull ups, squats and other body weight exercises at home 3 days a week.

I realize that I may be under eating a tad, however when I increased my calories I felt sluggish. So opted to stick to this diet and Iv felt great.

From all this I noticed significant results over the past few months. Going in was 208, Im now around 178 pounds. I'm definitely thinner, clothes are looser, I feel lighter when doing stuff like pull ups. And i have lost probably 8% body fat based on my questionably accurate scale. Even after this though I still carry significant body fat on my chest, stomach and sides. So while I'm ok being around this weight I definitely want to reduce my body fat significantly.

So my question I suppose is whats next? I essentially want to maintain this weight but lose a bunch more fat. Should focus more on fat and carbs? Or perhaps am I not eating enough protein? I have no idea.

Any and all feedback is appreciated. Thank you for your time.

submitted by /u/Royboy92
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2WM9y64