How I lost 37lbs in about a year or less

I know that a lot of you have lost more weight in less time, but this has been, out of all of my weight loss progress over the past 2-3 years, the most consistent, and something that I can stick with for life. For the first time in 19 years, I picked up my first dumbell as a college freshman and have been a consistent calorie-tracking monster for over a year now. I went from 210 to now, 173lbs, and am about 15 lbs away from my goal weight(give it about 4-6 months, so by December). I just did it by not limiting foods, and just controlling what I eat, and working out on an ICF5x5 4-6 days a week along with Cardio. And most of all, I am now at 17% BF, and cannot honestly wait to drop to 11%, but we'll see how that goes haha. Wish the rest of y'all good things on this journey toooo!!!

submitted by /u/PretendAstronomer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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