Update 💞✨

Hello again! I’m back with an update on my weight loss! If you saw my first post I was at about 324 and in the past month I’ve made it down to 303! I’m so so soooo happy and excited!💕

I’m sure I could have lost more but I also kind of wanted to give up but my friends and my dad and the little flame inside, encouraged me to keep going! So I fell off a little but I’m back on track now! I’m sure only a few people will read this but I’m glad this site gives me a place to ramble so I mean if you wanna listen to my thoughts and some things that I’ve learned in the past month, keep on reading!

Also sorry to anyone who has PM’d me! I don’t think I’ll reply to any because of my social anxiety but I do appreciate the messages! 💕💕

💞 So like, eating healthy isn’t actually that hard? For me, at least... but like... listen... I grew up with a depressed dad and neglectful mother so when we went grocery shopping my parents opted for quick and easy foods like pasta, pasta, pasta... canned fruits and veggies, frozen meats and meals, etc. Very rarely did we have a meal with fresh veggies unless it was like, a holiday. Eventually eating together as a family kind of fazed out so I was left to cook for myself most nights unless my father cooked or decided to order pizza- okay anyways so like, I had very few options for healthy eating. Now that I’m a young woman with her own job, I’ve come to find that eating healthy isn’t actually that hard. I think the key is committing to getting fresh veggies and stuff every couple of days and knowing what you like and planning your meals a head of time.

✨It all starts with you. What does that mean?: It all starts with your mind. With your inner demons. You gotta strangle them all to death first otherwise you’ll find yourself in a never ending cycle. At least, that was my case. Before I started my weight loss journey I was learning to love myself and trying to heal from traumatizing experiences. (I’m still in a crappy living situation but oh well;) I was trying to accept myself for what size I was and was trying to love myself for me when it just kind of clicked that like, wether I love my body the way that it is or not... I’m not taking care of it like I should. Chugging soda constantly, eating nothing but processed crap... If I kept going like that, my body was bound to shut down. It was that moment that I decided I needed to get serious. If I’m going to love myself, I needed to start acting like it. Thankfully this time around I’ve confronted most my demons and I’m not as willing to give up on myself. So I guess this lesson is that you need to prioritize yourself. Love yourself, and know that you deserve to be healthy! I mean I’m also losing weight for vanity reasons but MOSTLY for my health! (All the nice goth/alt. clothes I wanna wear don’t come in plus sizes 😔🙏🏻)

🦋 Being overweight, for most, is a choice. I think this clicked when I had a customer ask if there was, and I quote, “Salad (in reference to lettuce and tomato) on this sub?” (I work at gas station that makes its own subs) and I think in that moment, perhaps it was cruel of me to think it, but maybe being unhealthy is a choice that a lot of people tend to choose. I can’t find a way to explain this without thinking I sound mean... People are free to eat what they please! But I think like, before I made the decision to become healthy I would buy all my food from Dollar General. Snacks, canned food, frozen food, pasta, etc. Now that I’m trying to eat healthier I buy my food from Hannaford and opt for fresh fruit, veggies, and meat. I think also, there are probably a lot of kids who grew up like me and just didn’t get to make their own food choices growing up and are going to have to fight to relearn healthy eating habits before it’s too late.

🌹 It isn’t a diet!! It’s a lifestyle change, for real. And honestly I like eating fruits and veggies and making healthy meals. I’m learning important habits that I was never taught growing up, and I’m learning how to cook!

💘 Not really something I learned but like, a lot of my regular customers are very sweet to me despite my size. A lot of people say I have a warm personality and light that makes people want to be around me? Uhhh anyway that and like I really hope I find the right person for me before I hit my goal weight. I’ve seen posts from so many woman who started out at my size say they find it hard to trust men now that they’re skinny because those same men use to be rude to them when they were overweight?? So yeah. I think I might be lucky though, I think the guy I like likes me back so idk we’ll see where that goes. (I hope it goes well, 🥺👉🏻👈🏻) That’s just a thought that’s been stuck with me since I started.

Uhhhh okay I think that’s it I can’t think of anything else! 😂 Thank you for listening to me ramble if you read this far! Sending love!💜

submitted by /u/ValiantUnicorn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3j2WHpx

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