Here’s the thing: everyone knows how to lose weight. Right? Whenever we say “how’d you do it?!” to someone who lost weight, regardless of their answer, it comes down to consuming less calories than you exert. Simple as that.
So if you’re not losing weight, but you KNOW how to lose weight, it isn’t that you don’t know where to start or what to do. It’s that you don’t want to. And for me, identifying WHY I don’t want to just happened today.
This weekend, I had a fantastic weekend with friends. We ate and drank a ton and I KNEW I’d weigh in high. But I weighed in a little higher than I planned.
Immediately, my first thought was: ok, don’t eat at all today and you’ll see the number come down tomorrow
But hours later, my mindset shifted to “no girl! You love yourself! You shouldn’t restrict your eating because of a number!” Cue eating Oreos, Chick Fil A, and a pint of ice cream.
As I was eating the ice cream, I had a realization... I don’t know what it means to love myself. THAT is my mindset problem. Because to love yourself DOES mean not to starve yourself in pursuit of a number, but it also doesn’t mean eating everything in sight just to prove that to myself.
And I realized, today isn’t the first time this has happened. More like the 100th. Step on scale, see high number, promise to restrict all day, shift mindset to “self love” and eat terribly. Convincing myself that “loving” myself means eating every single thing I want is the mindset that’s standing in my way.
I’m not sure how to shift it, but I think identifying it is a huge first step. Because I know I should work out. I know I should eat better. But determining WHY I don’t do those things I think is the key to success.
I’ll check back in in a few months and let you know :)
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from loseit - Lose the Fat