This is my first post so I’m hoping this is the right place.

First, this is not about looking good in a bathing suit. You have a body, put a bathing suit on it - BAM you have a bathing suit body. 👙🩱

For once, I’m in a good place and slowly getting back to weight loss. I managed a 20 pound loss and to keep it mostly off for almost 6 months.

So every year I go on a beach trip. I’m the largest in our group by about 200 pounds. For reference I’m 300+ and 5’6 and female. And every year I’m super stressed about the lugging of all the things to the beach.

Being overweight and adding sand is HARD. Walking, carrying, bending, on the sand with all the umbrellas, chairs, coolers, etc. is a struggle. My back and calves end up killing me and it’s definitely a little embarrassing.

I’m trying to motivate myself to exercise and I thought about what I really want to be able to accomplish. And what I REALLY want is to not struggle next year at the beach!

So for advice, what types of exercises can I incorporate that will help me defeat my sand monster? What

I’ve started walking more. I have access to light weights and need simple exercises (I’m clumsy!).

submitted by /u/Quiet_Discipline_23
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