Hello everyone.

Never made a post of this kind, or even talked about this, so I would like to apologize if I start rumbling around, or if I forgot to give some information, feel free to shoot questions if anything got confusing.

I've never been in shape, I'm 1,90m (6ft 2), and I don't even know how much I weight, but last time it was around 130kg (286lb), and I feel that I've gained some weight since then.

My problem is that I can't really exercise, for either mental and physical reasons. I few years ago I got hit by a car, so my right arm starts hurting really fast even after a couple push-ups, and I've been dealing with mental issues for a long time and can't really do things that won't keep my head busy (so I stay at my desk either playing video games or learning new things) or else my mind starts going here and there and eventually lands on a depressive topic and I get more and more depressed (I know people say exercise help on that, but I tried, I really did).

I tried to do a 20-4 intermittent fasting, did it for 3 weeks - 1 month, and a friend of mine said I was looking slimmer (given the situation we were in, I think she was just being nice). I eventually dropped IF and started eating during the day but keeping count of my calories, my goal was to stay under 1700 kcal (did the calculations on some sketchy website that said that with my height and weight I would lose a ton of weight, ended up gaining). I don't eat unhealthy, I don't eat veggies often, but I stay away from red meat, usually eat chicken, rice, I eat pasta sometimes, I really don't eat candy, not even cereal.

What can I do? I'm gaining weight even after cutting on calories, I usually consume around 1500-1600 calories a day. Some recommendations?

I usually have a lot of questions about food, what's good and what's not, if anyone could spare a bit of their day from time to time to answer a few questions through DM that would be amazing.

That was quite a reading, damn.

Thanks in advance, and keep pushing forward!

submitted by /u/Wolfgar26
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/38lqCq9