Creating My Plan

I'm writing this plan to help myself and maybe get feedback on it. I'm at a point in my life where I feel I'm at a good weight (M,175 lbs), but I'm still not happy with how it looks. I lost a lot of weight mainly through diet, yet I still have retained weight on my sides and I've struggled to get it off, but I'm no longer going to worry about that. Instead, I'm just going to try sticking with my plan and not get defeated.

One of the big things that are changing for me is I am beginning to get into weight training. Through all of my research and personal experience, I feel this will be the most effective. I prefer doing dumbbells the most so I think that is what I will stick with. I don't know if it's enough weight (only 5 lbs each) but from some of the videos, I've been following I've felt a bit of a stretch and burn. The only thing I have a hard time with is making sure I have the right form, especially when I'm instructed to bend over a certain way. I'm thinking of trying to lift weights for about 20-30 minutes 3 times a week because I have a busy schedule. I hope that is enough for a beginner like me. I've already managed to get a few sessions in this week and I'm feeling good about it. I hope that by the end of October or November that I will start to see a difference. I also walk a decent amount at school. According to my pacing app (which might be slightly inaccurate) I am burning about 200-250 calories a day from walking on campus). So about 800-1000 calories a week since I have class 4 days a week. Maybe I should walk more. Any other suggestions?

As for videos, I just don't know if I'm doing too many. So far I've found about 3 or 4 that I like. One of them is a quick 15-minute session meant to just keep me active. Two of them are 20-minute videos, with one mainly focusing on lifting the weights while the other incorporates stretches. Then my other one is a 30-minute session that does so much in a short amount of time (I feel I should do this on the third day). I just don't know if I need to do super long sessions (45+ minutes). I'm not aiming to look like a bodybuilder or athlete. What should I do? Just pick the two I like the most and stick with them?

Diet is the most important thing I'm not sure about. I managed to lose so much weight (65 lbs-long story) mainly through my diet that I'm unsure if I need a change. I read a lot of articles telling me to incorporate certain things and I'm just not sure. To be clear, I do treat myself but not all of the time. Sure I might eat something sweet like ice-cream if I have it, but that's about it. I used to eat like crap and still lost weight. I eat better now and am losing weight slowly probably because I plateaued again this past summer. I'm thinking since I got so far it would probably be best for me to try a zig-zag diet that way my body isn't adjusting to the same old 1500 calories a day. I literally just want to lose about 10 more pounds so I'm thinking of aiming for 0.5lb a week instead. MyFitness Pal is claiming I eat up to 1900 calories, but I'm scared to go that high because I'm nervous about gaining weight back. I have basically 7 months left until I graduate. I want to be the leanest I have been by then. That's my motivation. I don't know what to think. CICO has helped me, but I know some people are against that. I'm not sure what I should be eating to help benefit my gains in muscle. I usually freak out like this in the fall, yet when winter hits I have managed to lose the most weight then (about 15-20 lbs) and I don't know why. Though I would like to get out my plateaued state now.

What else should I do? Is this good plan to start with? I feel like I can follow it.

submitted by /u/Lonelyjon
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