My discomfort with myself was finally stronger than my excuses.

I just wanted to say you all are inspiring. I joined this sub recently and it was your stories that made me realize an excuse is an excuse is an excuse. I’ve always told myself that I would do it tomorrow, then on the following day always justifying reasons why it wasn’t a good time in my life and ultimately perpetually postponing my happiness. Well tomorrow actually came. I just jogged (or, more accurately, fast walked and stumbled through) a 3.5 mile workout. I’ve always struggled with my weight and have fluctuated up and down for my entire life. When I lost weight it was the typical near starvation quick fix diet I allowed myself to believe was normal only to regain the weight back plus some. This feels better. I actually feel proud of what I did. Thanks again for the community you’ve created. Cheers to many pounds lost for us all. Don’t give up. I sure as heck don’t intend to and hope to look back to this post as a reminder of that.

submitted by /u/spuckett84
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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