Why does it take 2 days to gain 4 pounds, but 2 weeks to lose 4 pounds?


Noticed something today that has me feeling confused and honestly a little betrayed by my body.

I had a really great 2 weeks of eating under limit (1200) and it showed on the scale as a slow, steady loss. I weigh myself every day and track it on Libra, and it felt great to see results and reach my lowest weight of 183.2.

The last 2 days, though, I ate (and drank) over my limit. I didn't sweat it much, because I'm trying to be kind to myself during this journey and realistically, one or 2 off days will happen and aren't the end of the world. I didn't binge, but didnt restrict. I consumed 2000- 2200 cals both days. Fried chicken, alcohol, and indian takeout were enjoyed.

I was shocked, though, at how drastically these 2 days affected my weight chart! I gained 4 pounds in 2 days. That spike is scary compared to the super slow downward trend. Never, EVER have I lost 4 pounds in 2 days, even when I stayed well under 1200 several days in a row.

The devil on my shoulder is talking to me now. I'm thinking, what happens during maintenance? How can my body be so unforgiving? It honestly scares me that 2 weeks of good progress can be undone in 2 days. If you look at the chart, I had a similar spike last month due to a single day of eating over limit.

If anyone can reassure me, give me a stern kick in the ass, or just co-miserate, please do :(

submitted by /u/heartfullxo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2mwxJWV

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