This is a question I’ve been asking myself a lot lately.
When I think about long-term maintenance, I tend to consider the good habits I’ll need to continue indefinitely. But I haven’t really considered the bad habits that could creep their way back in, aka... the things that led to my initial weight gain.
Of course, this could be simply answered. “I gained weight by being in a consistent caloric surplus.” But specially, how did those excess calories find their way into your daily life?
Here are my main factors:
1) Over-consumption of alcohol due to stress, boredom and depression.
2) Late night binges, which I made a part of my bedtime routine.
3) Extreme boredom and never leaving my house.
4) Not cooking for myself, or relying on convenience meals/snacks.
5) Working in a bakery and sampling many sugary, carb loaded treats.
6) Not owning a scale or weighing myself for many years.
What are yours? Let’s identify the potential pitfalls we need to avoid!
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from loseit - Lose the Fat