Today I hit my long time goal I've had for years and for the first time in my adult life I am a healthy BMI. My current weight is 88kgs and my heaviest was 120, but more recently I have lost 25 kgs in the last 6 months.

I achieved this through doing the 5:2 diet that my GP recommended me, on my non fasting days I tried to my goal weight maintenance calorie count (2300 on 5 days a week, and 600 on my 2 days).

Below I have got 4 main tips that worked for me to help anyone else who is also trying to lose weight.

1.) Only eat one 'bad' thing a day. This one here will make a huge difference as I've noticed even when not calorie counting this one still seems to hold me in good stead.

2.) Only tell those who need to be told. When I was younger I told everyone when I was trying to lose a few kg and it backfired, it puts lots of pressure on yourself. You should let people find out for themselves when you get started (it won't take long!).

3.) Try to find what works for you and don't be afraid to fail. Having spoken to other people who have lost weight, everyone works in different ways. There is no shame in properly trying a method and finding out that it doesn't work for you, as long as you keep trying.

4.) Don't feel scared to ask for help. I couldn't have done this without my doctors suggestions, using online communities such as you guys helped a tonne :). My beautiful girlfriend was so instrumental to helping me as I live with her and she was so understanding. Thanks everyone and I hope I could help even one other person with this status - feel free to comment with any questions.

Crappy before / after photos.

submitted by /u/molozon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat