Is it possible to not gain weight back after a thirty day water fast? How do you refeed after a thirty day water fast? More importantly, I still want to eat carbs after wards. I’m currently 183 pounds and am looking to loose around another 30 through fasting. This is the refeeding eating plan I made, I’m open to help and criticisms.

Day one: fruit juices Day two: fruit juices Day three: fruit juices + apple cider vinegar in the morning Day four: small fruit pieces+ apple cider vinegar and juices Day five: small fruit pieces + apple cider vinegar and juices Day six: small fruit pieces + apple cider vinegar and juices Day 7: vegetable soup + acv + fruit Day 8: vegetable soup + acv + fruit Day 9: brown rice + vegetable soup Day 9: brown rice + vegetable soup Day 10: back to normal eating patterns

submitted by /u/jennnnaahhh
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