Hi all, I am sorry if I should post this somewhere else. Long story short, I was bulimic about 13-18 and at 18 I was in the hospital almost died because of the complications. After the hospital went to treatment and such and been pretty much symptom free since I was 20 (I’m 22 almost 23)
I was put on antidepressants (ziprasidone) and was also put on birth control. Through the years I put on weight (after rehab I was about a healthy 150 pounds and now I’m about 225-230 but stating weight was about 240; I am around 5’4”)
I am obese. I accept it, but I want to change to be healthy again. Yeah it is a little triggering, but I think logically on what I am eating. I count calories again, but I know when I am taking it to far (I eat about 1400 to 1500 a day) but everyone who knows me is telling me to stop due to fear of me relapsing. The only person who supports me in my weight loss or trying to is my boyfriend and he asks and helps if he thinks I’m going to far with anything that could seem EAting disorder related. Everyone else tells me to shut up and I don’t need to lose weight. I do, a doctor told me I could benefit from it (also knows my history and that I appreciate his honesty)
I understand it is tricky and I know it is a slippery slope. I think I’m not doing anything like an use to. I am quite self reflective and I think it is okay. I have not had any major urges to restrict or binge and purge. But I feel like everyone is constantly condoning if I seem like I am trying to be the healthiest I can be. I understand it is with good intentions and out of concern.
I am just wondering if other people had an issue with people not supporting them on their weight loss? And any advice on self acceptance on difficult days? I think this is healthy, but curious on more on an outside perspective that does not know me as personally. What is the best way to like convince my friends and family that I am doing it to be healthy because I prefer them to be supportive? Sorry if the post is long or if I posted it on the wrong subreddit.
TLDR: had an eating disorder, gained too much weight from recovery, advice on how to deal with people being unsupportive on my weight loss due to fear of relapsing.
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3fnzgEU