TL;DR: $30 espresso machine, 150ml whole milk, and 100ml Atkins as creamer (or another brand) = ~150 calories and very tasty.

So I might be behind in the game, but I feel like I’ve discovered something and am very excited to share it.

As a basic college student, I really like Starbucks. When school was open, every morning I would go get a mocha and some breakfast. That’s about 400 calories for the drink by itself.

WELL, to try to make a long story short, I bought a $20 espresso machine on sale from Bed Bath & Beyond and have been making my own drinks! It’s wayyyy cheaper too. If you’re a coffee snob, you’ll probably hate me. At first I used 100 ml of chocolate creamer and 150 ml of whole milk. Recently discovered that much creamer is 300 calories alone.. BUT I started using Atkins (dark chocolate royale protein shake) to replace the creamer and now it’s only about 150 calories! I haven’t had Starbucks in a while, but I think it tastes exactly the same. Definitely helps with the chocolate cravings. Hopefully someone learned something new!!

submitted by /u/granolagrill
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