5 weeks in - left half a cookie uneaten

Last week was a stress-filled slog that damaged my diet and left me feeling down. Objectively I'm still on track (9 lbs down from SW and mostly hitting calorie targets), but my motivation to exercise evaporated while junk food cravings skyrocketed.

Today I woke up again feeling stressed and bought a cookie with my morning coffee. Halfway through I realized how overwhelmingly sweet it was and tossed the remainder. It's a small victory for me but an important one, since in the past I would give up on self-control whenever my behavior wasn't 'perfect' while telling myself I'd resume perfection tomorrow. I'm hoping small victories like this can help sustain me until my motivation returns.

submitted by /u/SoundsAndScience
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3j1tknC

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