Down 85lbs, some advice & reflection


So started at 116kg (255lbs) at my peak, currently down to 170lbs at 16yrs old and my height being 5'8, weight fluctuates around 170-175. Edit: Started loosing weight at around October last year I believe, I hit 170 like a month ago and I've been maintaining my weight while working out

So how I got here is pretty simple for me, a lot of advice is pretty recycled because well it works good but I'm going to try to mention the lesser said stuff and the more/most important ones only (in my opinion)

  1. Protein is amazing Your body takes more energy to digest protein, it makes you stay fuller for longer, generally less calories than a carbohydrate of the same portion size, if you're doing lots of cardio you need to maintain muscle and protein helps with that as well as build it if you're doing weight lifting.
  2. Weight lifting Weight lifting is a good way to preserve muscle and lose fat, while your body is recovering itself your natural metabolism is higher due to the body needing to repair muscles and etc. I favour weightlifting over cardio due to cardio eating muscle and fat indiscriminately.
  3. Drink A LOT of water Water is good for you, drink it.
  4. Make your goals known It helps a lot to have encouragement, wether its just a friend saying you look skinnier or people saying good luck or whatever. Having the encouragement and people to help hold you accountable can be invaluable.
  5. Pushups are really good This one is pretty simple, you see those guys in prison? They mainly just do burpees with pushups and they are jacked as fuck. Burpees are some of the best cardio as well as they tone your upper body a lot. This one is here because I know lots of people are in quarentine and you don't need a gym for pushups. If you can't do them then do other forms of them that are easier, as long as its a challenge and your exerting yourself it doesn't matter. To expand on that in general, always remember that doing 5 good ones is infinitely better than doing 20 wrong, just do what you can as good as you can.
  6. At the end of the day it's all calorie intake Does not matter how much you exercise if you are eating a lot than you will not go anywhere. So start by slowly toning it down if you can't make the jump, you can get a smaller plate or not fill the plate up or stack it up, whatever works. It is just all calorie intake so don't go kill it at the gym (or at home) if your diet isn't in check. You'll just demoralize yourself when you don't see results.

So I'm gonna end this one on a more personal note that hopefully serves as some motivation? So like life is wayyy better and I mean in many aspects for me, the main one being self confidence is way better and that reaches into other things like social anxiety and etc. There's no better feeling than being actually comfortable with yourself right? At this point I'm going to build some muscle but I don't think that's for this subreddit. So yeah I hope you guys succeed in whatever your goal may be and remember that you can do it if you set your mind to it.

submitted by /u/mythicc1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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