Is it okay to choose to stay at a higher BMI than I used to be?

I’m struggling with this mentally, it’s a block I cannot get past. When I started gaining weight I was 90lbs at 5’3” and I ended up at 170lbs. I was anorexic for years and I recovered into binge eating disorder which I have also recovered from. Thing is, in my head I have to keep losing weight until my BMI is the lowest possible healthy number, but I don’t want to. I’m HAPPY with my body at 130lbs. I don’t want to lose more weight, I don’t know if I’d be healthier if I did but I’m comfortable in my body now.

Do I have to continue losing weight until my BMI is below 20? People around me keep saying “wow you only have x lbs left to lose” as if I’m overweight but I’m not. I can’t shake the feeling that my journey isn’t over until I reach a magic number, but I’m content with myself like this.

submitted by /u/TheThirdCloneOfXyxl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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