Here are my specs before I begin this story: 20F SW: 209.8 lbs Height: 5’10 GW: ~150 lbs or really more going for a specific LOOK rather than number

Monday i weighed myself, 209.8 lbs. the biggest I’ve ever been in my life, even though it could be way worse.

I was reading about Alternate Day Fasting. In the past I’ve done keto which works really well for me but is difficult for me to stay loyal to for several reasons.

So Monday I ate whatever I wanted, and started my fast that night. All of Tuesday I wasn’t hungry at all, drank a ton of water and a small glass of black coffee. Wednesday was weird, I ate about 3 bites of food after 36 hours and still wasn’t tempted to eat again until 6 pm. All together on that day I ate around 800 calories only. Yesterday didn’t eat until 4 pm and by the end of the night I ate roughly 1500 calories (had Wendy’s fries & spicy chicken sandwich and a small chicken pot pie). Today is another 36 hour fast, I will eat (or try to) tomorrow around noon.

ALSO have been walking 3 miles in 45 minutes everyday with my best friend (the pace makes me sweat, increases my heart rate. I try to walk as fast as I can without it becoming a jog, though sometimes I’ll trade walking 3-4 miles for a fast 1 mile run)

WHERE I WAS GETTING TO THOUGH Was I weighed myself this morning, first time weighing myself since Monday and I weigh 204.3. Not a HUGE difference but 5 lbs in 3 days? Wtf? That motivated me.

Fasting days aren’t difficult for me, but to be fair this is my second fasting day and I am not exerting my normal amount of energy besides walking everyday (normally I’m a full time college student with two jobs, both in restaurants).

If you guys are interested in following this journey/seeing progress pictures for your own motivation, then please comment! I’ve never shared weight loss publicly before but I feel like feeding off positivity from others and their success will be more beneficial for me than doing it alone :)

EDIT: also wanted to mention I’m taking Apple Cider Vinegar dietary supplements everyday, REALLY helps you to not feel hungry. Got them off Amazon

EDIT: forgot to mention that last night in order to prepare for another 36 hour fast I ate a chicken sandwich and some fries, so yesterday was a normal caloric day, not 900, I forget about things, sorry!

submitted by /u/Buttmuddbrooks99
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