Hello losers,

Happy Friday. Sorry I missed a day kids. It's been a tough mental health week. Shame is a hell of a drug.

Weight by end of month (199 lbs, preferably trend weight): No weigh in this morning.

Stay within calorie range (1500 weekdays, maintenance weekends, NO FAST FOOD): Not fabulous. I'm not proud of my progress kids. I'm ashamed of the lack of movement on the scale and some of my food choices lately. I hope y'all won't judge me too harshly.

Exercise 5 days a week: Rest day. 13/18 days.

Self-care journaling (once a week, 60 minutes): Done for this week. 2/2 weeks.

Self-care time (working on love journals, beauty treatments, staying on top of adulting, drawing 7/16 days): TBD.

Try a new recipe once a week: Experimenting with pumpkin puree & slightly different chili recipe. 2/5 weeks.

50 pages of The Body Keeps the Score: Not tonight kids. 0/50 pages.

Be more mindful, present in my body & express gratitude to avoid the hedonic treadmill: My brain is a scumbag.

What's going on with you all?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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