Wow, even to internet strangers it’s so scary to post these stats:

Female, 28 Current weight - 228lbs Height - 5ft 8 Goal weight - 140lbs

I have been overweight for about 10 years, although I lost most of it when I was about 20 and then gradually gained it again over the years. I’m by far the biggest I’ve ever been and I’m literally at the point where I either cancel plans or spend hours trying to find an outfit that somehow makes me not look fat. When I’m out, I literally avoid reflective surfaces because I know it’ll make me feel crap for the rest of the day. I pretty much dread sunny days or special occasions. Even with all this, I STILL yo yo diet and fall off the wagon constantly. I just lose motivation or think that I’ll start again tomorrow.

Well tomorrow is finally here and I’m trying to keep myself accountable. I’ve taken pictures and I’m planning to post on here regularly with updates. Wish me luck and I’d love to hear from some of you going on similar journeys!

submitted by /u/fantababy9
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from loseit - Lose the Fat