All my life I have been overweight at some point and it was always tied to my emotional state. As a preteen I was struggling with some family truths which caused me to turn to food as a source of comfort. After that I could connect every emotionally draining event in my life to the increase in weight.

I tried so many different ways to lose weight in both healthy and non healthy ways and now I need to do this again with the right tools. The lowest I have ever been was 149 lbs (I am 5’10”) and now I am at my highest of 230 lbs. here’s a short look at my yoyo:

Pre teens 175 Teens 160 Early Twenties- 180-190 Mid Twenties- 150 Late Twenties- 200, 230

I am cracking back into my Noom account to see if I can start the program from the beginning again.

I would much appreciate some tips from those of you that have Yo-yo’ed in weight!

submitted by /u/TechnicalAssistant1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat