I’m a 31 year old female. 5’6” and I lost about 40 lbs. it wasn’t really easy but it wasn’t impossible. I was 180 lbs and now I’m 144 lbs. I started weight watchers (ww) 6/4/18 and I remember thinking something has to work.

I thought Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) works for drinking disorders and other people had told me that they have lost weight with so why not?

I went to the meetings and I listened. I tried things that I didn’t want to, I tried somethings and I ended up liking them. Like foods etc.

I really learned something... I learned I wasn’t alone. My problems were not unique in any way. They were common problems that many people faced before me and conquered.

I remember the feeling that first few weeks of eating better and telling my husband that I wasn’t going eat whatever anymore. That was the hard part getting him onboard especially since he is thin and eats whatever.

I held my ground and things started to change. His “you are fine the way you are” changed to “babe, you are doing great!”

I forget how hard it was in the beginning, those first days and weeks. You know the ones before any results started to show...

Remember take the pics, work hard and one day it’s gonna be worth it. It takes some time, longer than you want it to.

It will be worth it. ❤️

submitted by /u/Make_one_smallchange
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/35fNQMi