My mother the enabler has begun her antics again

I hope this is okay, but i want to get something of my chest
Im F23, currently 134ish lbs and 5ft 6. Coming from 200lbs last year in august.
My mother has always been my enabler in me getting big, I was obese in elementary and it just got worse. I had a lot of stuff going on and i was an emotional eater, my mom enabled this. She always justifies this saying we got lots of money from our father so if we wanted something we could buy it (and i would buy snacks) but never admits she'd serve us pizza two times a week and buy chips and ice cream constantly.
I lost a lot of weight between 16-18 going down from 230 lbs to 140 lbs! But then I got sick and her idea of aiding me was feeding me trash again. I went up to 200lbs by the time i was back on my feet and put down my foot telling her no more of this. She complied grudgingly again (her argument being she's smaller than me and if we eat the same things how come she doesn't gain weight as much as i do, the truth is she's a hard working nurse doing 40h a week and im a university student sitting on my ass writing papers 90% of the time), I just ask her if she buys things to put them somewhere they're not in my vision, if i can't see it/ don't know it's there im less inclined to eat it. My bmr is also seriously low right now because I still haven't made up for a lot of the muscle loss after being bed bound for almost a fully year.
Recently I noticed she started buying a lot of snacks again leaving them just on the table or actively serving me them. When I tell her to not do that she says I'm being ridicoulus, that 134 lbs is a great weight and I don't need to lose anything more, etc etc. I'm really glad that she thinks I look great now etc but I can see my weight creeping up again little by little and it's so frustrating, my goal is 130 lbs, I really really want to reach it.
Today I was getting ready to work out and took a look at my health app before going, just seeing that I had gained 2pounds in the last 2 weeks (some of it due to my menstrual cycle kicking off though but still) just made me cry, and it made me not wanna go for a run because why bother when she's actively sabotaging me like this? It took everything I had to just piece myself together get up and go for a run. I was on a great track and almost certaintly would've reached 130lbs by the end of july if she hadn't been serving me all this crap, the worst is she does it in a way that i barely notice it, some chips her, some snacks there etc "oh but today is a national holiday" or "oh but tomorrow is ..." and I just can't say no. I know she has no ill intentions and to her these won't make me gain weight because she doesn't but I do. I've already repeatidly told her not to do this and she'll stick to it for maybe a week before throwing it all to the wind again. I know losing these last 4pounds aren't going to make a world of difference but it was my goal and to see my weight jump up again after being so close is just frustrating. I wanted to do my story because maybe some people understand this...

Side note: we don't live together during the year, I'm just home for the summer, as we live in different countries and I go back to my home country during summer to visit my parents.

submitted by /u/Cloudedheaven
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