Started my weightloss journey over a week ago (for the millionth time in my life) - MOTIVATION NEEDED!!!!

So I saw a nutritionist about 6 years ago and she gave me a really easy to follow meal guide/plan thing to use and create my own meal plans to my specifications. I saw her for about 6 months and she was fantastic. We did weekly meetings that were essentially therapy sessions mixed with nutrition discussions. (Think: what were some things that you struggled with resisting, stumbling blocks this week, etc - and then she'd show me ways to work around it.) She was genuinely fantastic!

I lost about 40 lbs over the course of those 6 months or so and I felt much healthier.

I came back to the states and let myself go. I gained back those 40 lbs plus 20 more, so I have a TON more work to do.

Last weekend I dug out the ol' meal plan, and started designing my 1st week. I adhered to all of the rules except I drank wine one night. I was consistently losing weight, and I managed to lose a good amount of weight and cm's that week. I was super stoked.

Well, the past two days I have not lost weight, in fact I've gained .5 lbs. I know that this is part of the cycle, and my body will adjust and start losing again. I've been here before, I know what's going to happen. I just can't get out of my head about it.

I'm also now craving things I know aren't good for me (read: bread and wine, haha). I was complaining to my husband that all of a sudden my cravings started and he looked at me and went "that's because you aren't losing weight like you were last week".... *mind blown*

He knew precisely why I was falling off the bandwagon, and he was super supportive. He reminded me of all of the above facts, and encouraged me to stick to it.

I just need some motivation from complete strangers so I'm reaching out here.

submitted by /u/kapbozz1085
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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