Still have a big stomach, despite looking good everywhere else

Hello all! Let me start out by saying that I love the community here, and it has helped me a lot. As for my current problem, the title kind of sums it up. My stats are: F, college student trying to look a lot better when I go back this fall than when I left when quarantine started, 5’6.5”, SW: 165 CW: 146 GW: 130 (? Really more when I’m happy with how I look)

I’ve lost 19 lbs since Thanksgiving last year- I had lost about five by Christmas, then crept back up to about 165 again by February, and finally got serious. So, since February 26 until yesterday, I’ve lost 19 lbs (need to update my flair). I now weight 146, and since I have a good amount of muscle, I look pretty good (in my opinion, lol).

However, despite looking skinny and fit in my arms, legs, neck, and face, my stomach is still, in my opinion, huge. I look like I need to drop another 15 lbs at LEAST to get where I want to be with it, and especially after a full day of eating (at maintenance or even 500-800 calories below maintenance) it sticks out so much. My torso is also still very blobby imo, and I hate how it looks.

I already stay away from gluten and dairy since I know they upset my stomach, and I only eat sugar on the weekends because it makes me retain water and bloat really badly and also makes me feel terrible if I eat it every day. I normally eat 1700-1800 calories a day and have been losing weight at a good rate, since I work out consistently and have gotten into distance running and normally run 35-40 miles a week which raises my TDEE.

I guess my question is, when will I start looking better in my torso and stomach area like the rest of my body has been looking better? I know about the paper towel effect, but will it really have that much of an effect on my body? And will I ever be able to eat at maintenance without my stomach making me look pregnant?

submitted by /u/threedashthreedotx3
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