You’re only cheating yourself

In the Army when you’re getting “smoked” (meaning doing forced physical punishment push ups/flutter kicks etc) a common thing for drill sergeants to say when you’re tiring and not doing the exercise properly is “you’re not cheating me, you’re only cheating yourself”.

I just Had a fun afternoon of drinking a little to much and impulsively ordering Pizza Hut which resulted in a 2139 calorie dinner. I know it was 2139 calories because I logged it.

Log your “mistakes”, log your binges, you aren’t getting ahead by not doing it. By skipping it and “starting good again tomorrow” those calories are still going into your body and now you’re just in the dark as to how much you truly consumed.

One bad day doesn’t instantly undo anything just like one good day doesn’t instantly get you to your goal. Log it, be honest. You’re only cheating yourself if you don’t.

submitted by /u/TwoSampleTTest
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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